Monday 24 June 2024

Filipino student graduates summa cum laude at Yale University

Filipino student graduates summa cum laude at Yale University

By Toff C.
24 June 2024

A Filipino student recently graduated summa cum laude at the 323rd commencement ceremony of the Ivy League school Yale University.

Dion Ong from the Philippines earned a perfect 4.0 GPA upon completing his combined Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Computer Science at Yale.

"I felt very blessed when I learned that I would graduate summa cum laude at Yale, because this achievement, of course, reflects the hard work and dedication that I devoted to my academics," Dion remarked in an interview with ABS-CBN News.

The student achiever added: "I was very fortunate that things turned out better than I imagined."

As per Yale's website, "the bachelor’s degree will be awarded summa cum laude to no more than the top 5 percent of the graduating class."

Dion studied at the Ateneo de Manila University before getting accepted at Yale for university with a scholarship. He was a top achiever during grade school and graduated Valedictorian in senior high school at the Ateneo.

“[I] was very fortunate to receive an acceptance letter with a scholarship [from Yale]," he said.

On his tips for students who want to study in top universities in the US like him, he advised for them to excel in their studies in their school in the Philippines and "pursue a variety of passions that they can highlight in their application.

He also encouraged students to engage with "well-rounded and multifaceted people" who demonstrate leadership and a commitment to their community.

After university, Dion landed a job at a quantitative finance firm in New York City. According to his LinkedIn, he will be working at Hudson River Trading.

According to its website, Hudson River Trading is "a multi-asset class quantitative trading firm that provides liquidity on global markets and directly to our clients." The company has "built one of the world’s most advanced computing environments for research and development, modeling, and risk management, and are at the forefront of technical innovation for financial markets everywhere."

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